Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Little Teapot

I'm a little teapot short and stout
Here is my handle here is my spout
When I get all steamed up here me shout
Tip me over and pour me out

This is a realy simple childrens song that most of us grow up singing.
Some fun facts about the song:
1) The name of the song is actually "The teapot song"
2) It was published in 1939
3) A man named George Sanders wrote the song for Clarence Kelley and his wife to help teach children the art of tap dancing.

All this information and more can be found on

As you can already tell, this song has been on my mind lately. I was actually on my way to work and I was continually humming this song. So I thought to myself, "Why on earth is this song stuck in my head? I mean, I know I love working with children and I was watching my nephews just a few days ago, but still why this song?" Once I got to work, we had no customers - mostly because we just opened. It was at that point that I got a thought and thought I might share it with all of you. 

There are three parts of this song that stick out to me and how it relates to our life as a Christian.

1) I'm a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle and here is my spout.
After salvation, one of the longest journeys we all take is learning who we are in the kingdom of heaven. Another way we could sing this is, "I'm a little Christian saved by Christ, here is my Bible there is my church". We as Christians all too often forget who we are compared to Christ. Normally we either think of ourselves too highly and better than others around us or we think of ourselves as too lowly - not remembering that we are sons and daughters of the most high God. 

2) When I get all steamed up hear me shout!
The more and more we learn about who we are in Christ, the more and more Christ gives us passions and love for him and others. The more and more passion and love we have, the more we want to shout. Just like a teapot, the hotter it gets, the louder it whistles. So another way to sing that line might be, "When Christ gives me passion, hear me shout".

3) Tip me over and pour me out
 Once Christ gives us passion, sometimes we get in the way and want to do it our way and Christ has a different plan for us. Sometimes he has to tip our life upside down to show us his way - and that is always better than our way. So another way to sing that line might be "He'll tip me over and pour me out". 

We need to allow Christ to take full reign in our lives so he can fill us with his love. Then when we can no longer contain it, we need to pour that love into others around us. Lets all go out and soak the land in God's love and watch the fruits grow.

I'm a little Christian saved by Christ
Here is my Bible, there is my church
When Christ gives me passion, hear me shout
He'll tip me over and pour me out

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