Tuesday, January 7, 2014

7 things you should know before babysitting.

7 things you should know about babysitting.
                Before you decide to make a quick buck babysitting someone’s kids know that there is a lot of responsibility and work to do. Babysitting is not for everyone and in no way an easy task, but if done right, babysitting can be enjoyable and very rewarding. Here are 7 things you should know before babysitting.

1)      Be prepared

-expectations: some parents will have high expectations for you such as feeding the children dinner and putting them to bed, others will just want you to make sure they don’t destroy the house.

-get digits: get the parent’s number so that you can contact them in case of emergency.

-routines: some family’s will have a strict routine for you to follow, others will be more relaxed, and yet others will have no routines at all. (you probably wont want to babysit that family again)

2)      safety, safety, safety

- In the house: when using the stove have the kids busy with another activity preferably in the other room. Keep an eye out for unsafe things like broken toys.

- Outside: make sure you dress the children properly before you go outside. Do they need gloves and a hat? Do they need sunscreen? Look out for insect nests like beehives or a fire ant hill. Is the play set safe to play on?

- Child safety: a growing number of children now have allergies. Some have asthma, or other miner medical problems. Make sure you know if the children have any medical problems and how to deal with them.

3)      house rules

- TV and Electronics: when parents go out on a date night they will normally have a movie for you to watch with the kids after dinner. Some parents want the kids to have no TV while they are gone this is when you have to get creative, and some kids just don’t care for TV or electronics at all.

- rooms off-limits: are there certain rooms that the kids are not allowed in, for example mom and dads bedroom.

-food: what are the kids allowed to have? Can they have that piece of candy they keep on asking for or is candy a no while mom and dad are gone? Do they need to have a glass of milk with dinner or can they have juice?

4)      discipline

                                -the do’s: follow the instructions of the parents.

                                -the don’ts : yell, hit, or be abusive in any way be careful with your words.

5)      keeping kids happy

-plan activities: when you bring something fun to do with the kids you automatically become the best babysitter they have had. It could be simply bringing new crayons and a coloring book.

                     -watch a movie: when in doubt pop in a movie.

-be the boss: yes you are the boss, and when the kids know this it will make for a better babysitting experience for everyone.

                6)  let’s talk money

-how much to charge: are you new to babysitting, then the going rate is $7.25-$8 an hour, some will pay more because of multiple children. Some family's have a flat rate for the night. When you get more experience you can charge more.

-tabs: if you consistently babysit for a family you can run a tab for them that they can pay at the end of the month.

-payment method: make sure you know how you will be paid. Cash or check?

6)      extra extra extra

-clean up after yourself: if you and the children make a mess clean it up, and if your feeling really nice do a little extra.

- a days report: give the parents a report on how your time with the kids went. Did Jonny eat all his dinner, or did sue play nice with her brother.

- tell the truth: be honest if something got broke or Sam has been throwing tantrums all night tell them. No one likes or trusts a lying babysitter.

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